#kdlo outing to cityhall today. The roof terrace at the top of esplanade mall was where we went after dinner. I saw a few new faces, faris/ herman's friends. The photo on top was what we took today. Entering the roof make me had some thoughts. It was obvious what kind of crowds the roof terrace would attracts, it was either big groups of friends, couples or couples-to-be.
The first couple i saw was dressed very nicely, in fact they looked like they were going straight to DXO after the "sight-seeing" at esplanade. Here comes my first thought, my type of guy WILL NOT BE:
1. wearing so nicely on purpose just because it's a date with the girl he fancies.
2. wearing long sleeves shirt and pants instead of tshirt and berms and still looking good.
3. putting any gel or wax on his hair (that's so uncool! i love the way him and his hair will be)
And then, I saw many couples, those very young ones! Please dont mistaken me! I mean im super young too, but they are like 15,16 or 17 (if were to judge by how they dress and behave). It reminds me of times when i was that age too. My 2nd thought : Going on dates with that cute lil boyfriend was like going to heaven (abit exaggerating. LOL) I meant it was simple, innocent and most importantly harmless. With all the sweet nothings, it makes the cute lil couple happier than scoring the top in class. Even the broke up was not a big damage, wounds heals easily,even scars would fade. Maybe just abit of tears and everything is over! But now, it ain't the same. Growing up seems to make reality cruel by AAAAALLLLOOOOOOTTT. That simple, sweet, harmless innocent lil loving game turned into a abandoning hurting truth. It wasnt the way it was as before anymore. It turned into a hurting, disappointing, damaging part of life. Oh my god, i couldnt imagine it was actually known to be part of life??!?!!
***Was it you that i still loved so much or was it me that refused to move on***